Teamwork and well-being for the school and business world of the future

Mumedu Oy offers versatile trainings and workshops in the field of teamwork, well-being, innovative learning environments and lifelong learning.

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Who we are

Ulla SaastamoinenMinna HaringMika Mononen

We are Ulla, Minna and Mika, three research teachers. Our areas of expertise include well-being, teams, innovative environments and lifelong learning, for which we are also happy to organize various trainings!

Get to know the team

Customer satisfaction 4.3/5

"The learning environment training organized for us by Mumedu Oy was inspiring and thought-provoking. It was a good sparring session for our sales team. The training included a theory part, a preliminary assignment and group work. After the training, we have used the ideas and tips we received in the learning environment furnishing projects we have implemented all over Finland."
Helena Ukkonen, key account manager
The city of Joensuu
"Mumedu Oy has organized team teaching training packages for primary school teachers in the city of Vantaa. The trainings are of high quality and have received a lot of good feedback from the teachers. The trainings are structured in such a way that theory, functionality and guided planning form a whole. The work of many teacher teams has made great progress thanks to the trainings."
Kirsi Paukku, Regional Head of Basic Education
The city of Vantaa
"A useful and stimulating whole in every way. Thank you very much! A suitable structure for activities and sitting, a warm-hearted day :) The reality references and theme were nice and the trainers were inspiring! :) A versatile, humorous and effective day with no rush. Many thanks Ulla, Minna and Mika! To be honest, everything worked great - I was able to join the group, I felt like you had time for everyone who wanted to, you stopped, listened, gave advice, and always focused on solutions."
A teacher who participated in Mumedu's training
"I brought up the need for training to Mika, Ulla and Minna. The Mumedu team was able to clarify our need with their questions and after that they offered a training package, the content of which we refined together. I think the operating model was really good. The professionals knew how to help already in defining the need and thus were able to respond to our school needs."
Aatu Mustonen, Director of Education and Youth
Kuopion Woodi Oy

Etä- ja lähikoulutuksia, sähköisiä materiaaleja sekä pelejä.

Tuotteidemme ominaisuuksia
Flex icon
Fixed icon
Sähköiset materiaalit
Team icon
Tiimi- ja yhteistyö
Agency icon
Laadukkaat koulutukset

Contact us, and let's think together about a package that suits you!

Contact us